90: When life gives you lemons…


Running an e-commerce venture was not on my list of things to do in 2020, but neither was being stuck at home! The year began with a mild panic of the coronavirus taking its tour over the country. Little did I know it would spread so quickly that my university and social life experiences would be on hold from a random weekday in March. Even though we were on a “scheduled” lockdown, the confirmation of a vaccine and the freedom to step outside the house again was pretty uncertain.

I’m not sure how one can prepare for uncertainty. I struggled to deal with it, and I know many others must have too. The mental breakdowns were exhausting as I kept looking forward to an end to the chaos. However, something unexpected happened, I wasn’t looking for it, but I saw an opportunity. I analyzed the items that quickly became essential during this period. Online shopping and delivery were booming, and it seemed the perfect time to try something new. I sourced the essential items like masks online, bought them in bulk and resold them on Amazon. I hoped to earn some money to use on shopping and social events once lockdown restrictions eased. I wasn’t sure about this adventure but was pleasantly surprised when I made a decent amount. The year seemed to get better as it was ending.

I am thankful to have survived the virus, access to vaccines and the opportunity that this year presented to explore, learn and earn. And that’s not all. I am stronger, getting better at coping with problems and have learnt to reframe my thinking. The adage, ‘when life gives you lemons, make lemonade’, rings true!

Syeda Taslima – Reposted from youthof2020stories on Instagram, a humansof2020 initiative

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