80: The Year 2020 – A Phantom of Uncertainty

Last year has been one heck of a rollercoaster ride for every one of us. Be it emotionally, physically or mentally, it has definitely made us see through some factors and things in life which were left unconsidered by many of us either deliberately or not. As everyone is aware, we were hit by the Covid-19 pandemic last year which was absolutely catastrophic. Many of us experienced the loss of our loved ones, our friends, neighbors, far off relatives, relatives who we don’t talk to but later on were hit hard by the thought process that we should have been in touch with them, if not yesterday at least today we should have texted or called saying ‘hope everything is fine’. These small gestures can mean so much to an individual, it’s crazy. It acts as a ray of hope and satisfaction a person feels when someone irrespective of how close we are cares even if it’s in a small amount. Many people have learnt a lot of lessons and have overcome a lot of obstacles during these difficult times and it’s commendable to see people taking initiatives to come forward and help one another without putting themselves as top priority.

I still remember the day we started having deaths recorded due to covid in Dubai, I felt some sort of a shiver down my spine, you could say it was fear knowing that people are actually getting affected and are getting worse from the virus and this is definitely a bigger issue than we all predicted it to be. I’ve encountered situations in the past year where I have endured the loss of my loved ones and it was definitely an eye opener to life for me. You never know what life has in store for you. It’s filled with unforeseeable events and uncertainty. There is so much negativity going around in this world besides the pandemic that has effected people so much where people forgot the true essence of life and its understandable from their point of view as well. I’m sure everyone is familiar with the famous saying ‘BE THE CHANGE YOU WISH TO SEE IN THIS WORLD ‘. The only way you can spread happiness and positivity is when you feel it within yourself first. Many of us have lost the value for hope and faith and that needs to be enhanced in order to make people believe that life has got good things stored in for you and it’s all going be alright .When talking about life after 2020, it has undoubtedly brought several changes in my life. Some of them are that I have become more conscious about the people around me and have tried to eradicate the feeling of hatred towards anyone because at the end of the day, we’re all humans who make mistakes and learn from them and everyone deserves to be loved and cared. You are stronger than you think and don’t let anyone bring your guard down in any way and always value the friendships and relationships you embrace throughout your lives. I have some of the most amazing friends whom I absolutely love from the bottom of my heart. Appreciate yourself and others! Loads of love!

Adya Agarwal – Reposted from youthof2020stories, a humansof2020 initiative

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Bettina Tauro
Bettina Tauro
2 years ago

Thank you Adya for sharing your experience. We have emerged changed from this experience.
