79: QuaranTEENing

March 2020 was the month that drastically changed how society functioned in my eyes. As a 19 year old in her second year of engineering, I wasn’t prepared for the new world I’d have to get accustomed to. When my university shut down in the middle of the semester and was transferred to an online medium, I was a little excited as it meant reducing the travel time and exhaustion from going back and forth from the university. However, as time progressed and strict laws were set, restricting movement and socialization, it started to become a lot less exciting.

I began to see my friends only through online platforms and the two words that became prominent in my vocabulary were “online” and “in person”. When it came to my third year of university, which started in September 2020, everything was handled online. Receiving online lectures never compared to the ones in person. Quarantining, while a necessary means to save lives, caused a lot of laziness and disinterest. While 2020 may not have been the best year, to a teenager who lived through a global pandemic, it still taught me a bunch of valuable lessons.

Learning how to be productive and the importance of spending time with my family were elevated during this period. I reduced the amount of fast food I consumed and turned to more healthier options. Quarantine opened gateways to new hobbies I otherwise would not have made time for.

Angelin Varghese – Reposted from youthof2020 stories, a humansof2020 initiative

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Bettina Tauro
Bettina Tauro
2 years ago

Thank you Angelin for sharing your story. So many of us discovered new hobbies. I discovered I love going for walks (before I was more of a gym person).
