6: GRATITUDE & HOPE, Life changing experience

My name is Yvonne from Uganda East Africa. We decided to make some business changes in March 2020 just before the pandemic and lock down happened. It was such a scary place for our minds (my partner & myself) to be, uncertain of the future a month after the lock down…. not sure if we had made the right choices for our small business (a lot of panic set in). With in the first 2 months of lock down we courageously and persistently pursed our decisions and dream despite the trials and uncertainties, for us we saw this as FAITH & HOPE!!

Eventually the whole process felt peaceful, exciting & wonderful because this was also a period where we created beautiful relationships, made friends and collaborated with wonderful people, wonderful business associates (even from outside our country Uganda) that made it easy, that held our hands despite the uncertainty, that showed kindness and patience, that understood our dream and helped and continue to help us on the journey to transform others through our business because they transformed us, because of their kindness. We are GRATEFUL for these wonderful people!!! For us it was the beginning of truly understanding the true meaning of gratitude and kindness amidst uncertainty. Just starting and ending the day GRATEFUL keeps us positive, HOPEFUL, mindful, confident,happy, creative and visionary. 

So thank you, thank you, thank you for your kindness (we can’t mention all of you here)!!!!!

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Bettina Tauro
Bettina Tauro
3 years ago

Thank you for your wonderful story, Yvonne. Am reminded of all the kindness we’ve seen and received ♥
