54: Gratitude and Faith

I spent most of 2020 upside down. The unexpected slowdown created enough time and space for me to learn and improve my shirshasana (the headstand). Perhaps that let me see that all was right in the world and in me.

You see, Year 2020 was a year of a pandemic but it bought me face to face with the reality that we can’t take life easy. It taught me that everything we have, can’t be taken for granted and the world can go in a lockdown too and yet the human race survives, for we all somewhere have the fighter in us and that belief that someday things will fall in place.

I learnt to be more resilient, to have faith, to believe in myself and patience to wait for those things that are meant for you to find you, because they do, come what may. Before the pandemic struck I was packing my bag to move to the UAE to start a new chapter of life. It was mixed feelings as I was taking a step towards a new beginning and something that was way out of my comfort zone. I had a great opportunity and I was excited to explore, but God had his own plans. Ten days before I was to fly out, the world almost came to standstill and I saw the new beginnings slipping away even before they had begun. On the bright side, I spent months with my son who was now learning online like much of the world.

I shifted my focus to my physical fitness and to my surprise realized  I could cook and do all the household chores happily. My life revolved around one thing and that was the good health of all my loved ones. All that mattered to me was safe and well. I couldn’t ask for more. As luck would have it when the world started to open I was called to the UAE to take over the job I thought I had lost.

Life has been a roller coaster ride. But 2020 did make me stronger, more resilient,  and it did tell me how important it is to have a healthy body and mind. So now I continue to spend some time every day upside down because maybe I have finally aligned to the world the right way up.

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3 years ago

Awesome, Vani! One day, I’ll be able to do this too.

Ninorah Brookshire
Ninorah Brookshire
3 years ago

To look at the world standing upright is hard enough. But to look at the world upside down in style? I say its “looking at the world from a different perspective and thinking outside the box”. A gift not many possess and something that suits you to the T. Best of luck with your future endeavors for 2021 Vani. <3

Bettina Tauro
Bettina Tauro
3 years ago

You are an inspiration and I hope some day I will be able to do this too! Thank you for sharing your experience with us.

Meeta Chandrasekhar
Meeta Chandrasekhar
3 years ago

Vani, you are a strong willed woman with a heart of gold. You have been one of my biggest inspirations since I have known you. Keep inspiring babe ❤️
