33: Finding Your True Purpose

Life isn’t about finding yourself; it is about discovering who God created you to be.

I have lived in Dubai for over 36 years, and worked in various corporate multinational companies. Work was meant to put food on the table or go on holidays with family but there was something amiss.

Seek and you shall find, but for some of us it is like God holds your hand and shows us the path. The so-called bad things in life happen for a reason, which is sometimes beyond us. But when you look back it was the best thing that happened to you. Change is beautiful and one should accept it with open arms.

My story stems back to 2019 when I was made redundant after 11 years of working for a multinational company. A lot of mixed emotions but never a doubt that I would not survive. I guess most of us go through this phase in life when we say I need to do something of my own, but can never place a finger on what that would be. It was no different for me. Meeting people, talking to friends, I started doing consultancy as that was closest to what I knew to do well. But then things changed in my life, I went into immigration services and offering Education assistance to kids who wish to pursue higher education abroad. That fulfillment is hard to explain, when you help parents and kids to achieve their goals. You are indirectly responsible for their future and right choices. That’s when I realized that this was my true calling and purpose in life. I was passionate about what I do, I was responding to their messages at odd hours answering their queries. It was not a job anymore, I was living my passion and enjoying what I loved to do. 2020 was a great year for me. Amongst all the COVID tragedies and constant banter of bad news and uncertainty, I found my true purpose in Life.

Maybe a bit too late in my life, but I am grateful I found my purpose. Always connect with your inner self and follow your heart, you will never go wrong.

If you can’t figure out your purpose figure out your passion. For your passion will lead you to your Purpose – Bishop T.D Jakes

Did you know? humansof2020.com is a self-publishing platform. The stories are not curated and open to everyone to share their experience. Join the community and share your experience today.

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Ninorah Brookshire
Ninorah Brookshire
3 years ago

You are and always be my inspiration. Am so proud of where you’ve reached and what you’ve accomplished single-handedly over these past many years! And alongside I have grown to learn from you, to always follow my heart. Thank you for teaching me that valuable lesson, always. <3

Bettina Tauro
Bettina Tauro
3 years ago

Love the learning that it’s never too late to find one’s purpose or discover who we’re meant to be. Thank you for sharing your 2020 experience with us.
