61: 2020 – A storm that made me take deeper root.

I vividly recall New Year’s Eve 2019. My family and I spent the day at my parent’s home so we could celebrate bringing in the New Year together. The bonus was that their apartment overlooked a picturesque waterfront within the heart of the city which promised a spectacular display of music, lightshows and pomp over the lagoon at the stroke of midnight! We were not disappointed and 2020 was welcomed with a loud grandiosity that could be heard across every part of the city. Thousands of families gathered near the waterfront looked up in awe at the illuminated skies lit by a dazzling display of fireworks. 2020 had officially arrived and the crowds cheered aloud, blew their paper trumpets, and hugged their loved ones. Cars passing by honked their horns and flashed their lights, and amidst all that cacophony it was clear that we had embraced, with utter delight, that magnificent number “2020” in the hopes for a brand-new chapter of prosperity, luck and happiness. Little did any of us imagine how much the world would change in merely a few weeks from that day.

I learned of the mysterious Wuhan virus by early February. However, like everyone else, I had the notion that it was occurring in another part of the world and would never come close. Life and business went on as usual. I got an indication that the situation was more serious than anticipated when I flew to Johannesburg for business on February 17th, 2020. Our flight was taxied in, but we were not allowed to disembark until a group of personnel in full sanitary protective gear onboarded the flight and took the temperature of all travelers.  It was a bizarre experience… in what unbeknownst to me would very soon become the norm everywhere from that day forward.

By March, we knew that it had certainly arrived! We were inundated with the news of this mysterious new virus called Covid-19. There was no cure, no vaccine, it was highly contagious, and even fatal. The flurry that occurred over the next few months was akin to a sci-fi flick and revealed the world at its weakest. Our offices and schools were shut down in the face of mandatory lockdowns, everyone I spoke with lived in fear of contagion, dread over the scarcity of necessities, loss of income, or worst – they suffered the death of family members. I prayed for sanity amidst the despair, and that life would come back to normal in the next few days…. the next few weeks… the next few months…

Within this upheaval of emotions, I came to the realization that the world as we knew it had indeed changed forever. I had to take stock of this new normal, as I had responsibilities to others in my life – my family, my employees, and my company who depended on me. It was time to face this reality, to dig deep and find the inner strength and courage to light the way forward.

Being a working mom, I prioritized getting myself and my home in order because if this part of my life were not in control, I could do no justice to anything or anyone else. My children felt anxious, insecure, and were battling with the implications of the lockdown – most especially having to school from home and not meeting their friends for an indeterminate period. My husband and I took the time to educate them about the situation, alleviating their concerns and misconceptions as there was so much fearmongering across media outlets. Their health and safety were our primary concern, and we assured them that continuing their education from home was not the end of the world. It was not the time to pressure them about their homework or grades, and we allowed them more liberties with socializing online than we had in the past. We embraced the notion that our children are a part of the social media generation, and it was indeed the next best thing for them. As my husband and I both work in the technology industry, we used our technical skills and tools to ensure our children were securely connected to their extended family, their friends, and their school at this time of the new normal. Once my children were at ease, I felt that the atmosphere at home began to relax as well. Akin to many other family anecdotes during this time, we came together as one family unit in watching movies, playing games, exercising together, exploring new hobbies, and even discussing world politics! Within a span of a few months, I felt that my children had matured in their years. The bright side of this gloomy situation was that each of us were given this opportunity for intense personal growth!

I began to count my blessings – as the lockdown was still firmly in place, being outdoors extended to pretty much my sitting in our garden. I could not help but notice at the time how the air felt and smelled cleaner, and how the birds were chirping happily!  I acutely recollect how two neighborhood cats wandered boldly into our back yard, surveying their newfound kingdom created whilst we languished indoors. There were three new bird nests in our trees, and I cannot explain in words the feeling of renewed hope this brought me! I began to pray earnestly as I felt that the conviction of my faith gave me optimism and that was contributory to my gaining the mindset needed to face this new reality with calm, patience and understanding.  

This was instrumental to my next critical area of focus – my occupation! I am a manager in a multinational technology company, and some of my employees were residing in parts of Europe badly impacted by the virus. They were combating high levels of anxiety and stress and the last thing they needed was an impact to their jobs and income. As such, for their sakes and mine, I had to focus on ensuring business continuity and steering my employees to succeed in the most uncertain of times. The way business was conducted had changed overnight and my leadership style had to mold itself to a situation unencountered before, at least in my lifetime. Not even the industry experts had the answers at the start, and we were all grappling. However, I knew in my soul that I was walking a tight rope where I had to strike a clear balance between leading with confidence, composure, and compassion – whilst striving for continued productivity for the betterment and stability of all concerned. It meant I had to be their friend and confidante yet know when and how to turn on the business mode as required. I had to reevaluate processes, drive a positive culture, and reestablish norms starting with how my team stayed connected and collaborated virtually!  I kept close to corporate – staying abreast of the ever-changing situation, putting the health and safety of my employees first, and squelching any rumors that threatened to dismantle a house of cards.  As I navigated through the unknown waters, I increased the frequency of my check-ins with the team, paid attention to any changes in behavior and ensured I provided them the opportunity to destress when needed. Finally, and perhaps most controversially for the time, I delegated higher-end responsibilities that encouraged them to learn and share best practices with one another. I found that by doing this, my team felt an innate accountability to approach the uncertainties with maturity and resolve. It is said that “storms make trees take deeper root”, and this adage held true for my team and me as we became more resilient and overachieved our targets and metrics in the most ambiguous of times!

So, to conclude, 2020 was the year that challenged me and my loved ones in every way thinkable, but like the two-fold number that it is, it provided an alternative side to things, allowing for much personal introspection and development. Where there is bad – there is good. Everything is balanced. 2020 enabled me to reassess my life, my interests, my values, my time, and the relationships that were most important. The world as we know it will indeed never be the same, however one thing is clear…. whether it is for the better or the worse, it is in our hands, hearts, and minds entirely what we make of it.

Did you know humansof2020.com is a self-publishing platform? The stories are not curated and open to everyone to share their experience. Join the community and post your experience today.

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Peter Stump
Peter Stump
3 years ago

The feelings and fears of so many are very well expressed! The upside of the challenges faced during the year of a pandemic rings true too! 0

3 years ago

Beautifully written and said sheikha 🥰🥰

3 years ago

What a beautiful article! Thank you for sharing Sandra 🙂

Soosan Abid Ali
Soosan Abid Ali
3 years ago

Sandy, this is fabulous and so well written!

Saima Raja
Saima Raja
3 years ago

Beautifully penned Sandy! Encapsulating the fear and anxiety of so many from around the world.

Anna Kanapilly
Anna Kanapilly
3 years ago

That’s beautiful Sandra. Thank you sharing. We have all had similar experiences and taught us to value every little thing we took for granted. Even sitting in our garden enjoying the fresh air.

I for sure will not go back to the old fast paced lifestyle. Life is meant to be enjoyed and not rushed!!

My thoughts and prays are with the families Who lost their loved ones.

It’s exactly a year today we went into our 1st lockdown.

Dolly Sagar
Dolly Sagar
3 years ago

Oh Sandra, such a beautiful piece… love your writing skills 👌🏻… you summed the 2020 just perfectly!

Farhat Sikandar
Farhat Sikandar
3 years ago

Very inspiring and motivating! Enjoyed reading.

Laveena Tikyani
Laveena Tikyani
3 years ago

So befitting- what we make of any situation is entirely in our hands.
Such an eloquent article Sandra.

Jacqui Gelzinus
Jacqui Gelzinus
3 years ago

Beautifully written Sandra and sums up so many sentiments dear to many of us ! Thank you for sharing !

Bettina Tauro
Bettina Tauro
3 years ago

We’ve all had to learn to find our way through this unexpected storm. Your story is a wonderful reminder that we aren’t alone and together we will find our way. Thank you for sharing.

2 years ago

Beautifully written!
