96: 2020

Every day , amma reads aloud the number of covid cases. As alarming as it sounds, everyone gets back to their normal chores after a few minutes of tension and all the despair . The grief strikes you for just 2 minutes straight. That’s life!

If we were ever given an opportunity to work from home, binge on all the netflix you ever couldnt because your packed, busy life and horrible schedule, we would happily, without any second thoughts, jump right in. But as we step into the 2nd year of covid, we understand that socializing is an important part of life and we miss all the fun, the noise, and the crowd.

As horrible as the year seemed it came with a few cons for me. I was a 12th grader, who had to sit for her board exams this year. With all the classes, on screens the full year, I hardly understood anything. There was nothing in could do about it. One fine morning I saw the news of the board exam cancellation. I never could be happier. This was it all I ever wanted. What could I be possibly worried about now that my exams were cancelled. I thought of all the relaxing sleeps I was going to have the coming months until college.

But life had other plans for us I guess. My gran breathed her last a few days later. Everything in front of us collapsed . When you see the number of covid deaths on tv, to me they were just a number and I always thought, it was their fate and we couldnt do anything about it. But it strikes different when someone so dear to us dies. I don’t remember the last time I hugged her. All I wish now, was to see her one last time again. These tough times teach us to appreciate all the loved ones in our lives.

Mia Maria George – Reposted from youthof2020stories on Instagram, a humansof2020 initiative

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