139: A Letter to My Future Self: Miley

Dear Miley from the Future:

If I could describe our world right now I would say it is:
It’s not the best with corona happening but it’s still good. We are starting to go to school every day instead of alternative days.

But when you’re reading this I hope these things have changed:
1. Covid-19 goes away or becomes better
2. The heat in Qatar decreases
3. Children are able to take the vaccine

Currently in school my favorite things to learn are:
In school my favourite subjects are science and English

But when I grow up I hope my job is:
When we are grown up I want my job to be an astronaut

If I could send you one message it would be:
Find somebody to live with or get a roomate


 Little humans of 2020

Little humans of 2020, a humansof2020 initiative

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