138: Imposter

Ever since I was a child, I found joy in immersing myself into various activities, be it music, dance or even my academics. However, for some reason, I had the hardest time believing that I was good at any of those things despite being told I was or gaining achievements. To put it simply, I felt like a fraud.

I saw my self-esteem drop and any commendable thing I did would transform into an ugly feeling – feeling like it was a fluke or just my luck and that in actuality, I did nothing to get it. This feeling was constant, it made me question myself a lot and cast a shadow of doubt on my capabilities.

The imposter syndrome stuck with me for a long time. I started sabotaging my own success, unable to have confidence in myself regarding the fact that I actually had what it took to be where I had gotten.

I used the last year and a half to rewire my thinking. The hardest part was learning to give myself more credit. It was slow at first but as soon as I started seeing some progress, it got easier to accept.

I now know that I deserve to be where I am today and I deserve to be proud of it, took me some time to understand and truly appreciate myself but I think I’ve finally got it.

Ria Rale – Reposted from youthof2020stories on Instagram, a humansof2020 initiative

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