84: The Warrior Within ME

I remember New Year’s Eve as if it was the day before. My dearest friends and I were having a blast watching the magical fireworks shoot up to the sky along the sprinkles of glorious fountains. Our hearts filled with joy and stomachs full of food; never did I know that there was a virus lurking in the shadows waiting to destroy the world!

My husband travelled to another country for work one day before the flights shut down! It would be seven long months before we could be together as a family again. During that time, we replayed the what ifs in our minds many times. What if the restrictions kept on extending? What if something happened to him, our children or me during this time?!

Before we knew it, the pandemic was here. None of us expected it. How could we? We’ve never been in one nor heard of one in recent times. Instead of visiting lush green resorts or having parties with my friends and family; now, with every step I took into my office, I shivered with fear, suspecting everything. I was terrified to step out of my house! All I saw was COVID…the news reporters screaming…live telecasts, and messages flooding…all on this deadly virus. I was scared for myself, my husband and the apples of my eye, my dear kids. Yet, we never thought that the world would shut down. But when it did, my husband was away in another country. Sure, it was temporary, but for me, that distance was enough to leave my world shattered. 

It was as if a pillar from my life had broken, causing a structural imbalance in my home. The dam in my soul broke, and a gush of emotions enveloped me, as I buried myself in a hole shrouded by a cape of fear. Months passed, and the virus enslaved us; restrictions kept on coming, keeping our family apart. My husband missed my birthday, our son’s, then our daughter’s. It was disheartening to see our kids cry on the one day that belonged to them. The immense sorrow took a toll on my inner warrior, leaving it wounded in the battle with these obstacles!

I started struggling to cope with work pressure, the kids’ never-ending requests and constantly sensing my husband’s loneliness. My children could feel my sadness, and this spread over our house. I knew I had to be there for our children, but it was all overwhelming. My son kept asking me to play games, go for walks, for he knew how I felt, but all I wanted to do was sit on my balcony, hoping for the restrictions to ease so I could see my husband and our family could be together again. Over the time, my inner warrior’s shield rusted, as it kneeled down in despair tired of fighting the negativity!

Then one day, while I was chatting with my mother, she said, “You are the pillar of the family … be positive.” That day something changed. I realized that perhaps I was looking at the world with the wrong frame. My husband is one pillar of the family, my children and I are the other pillars that hold it together. Yet, here I was, putting all the pressure on my husband and solely leaning on him for support. I realized I was not alone, and we are all there to support each other and hold the other up when one needs it. I decided to effect change. My inner warrior changed his tactics and with the support of her fellow soldiers, she rose to the occasion!

First, to overcome this distance, I started exploring online games to enjoy as a family. Every evening we started playing Hangman, Pictionary on zoom and online games like sequence and risk along with my husband. It’s surprising how we never knew these games existed online! It felt like we were together playing for real. Instead of boredom, our days began to fill with laughter and joy. My husband and kids enjoyed it, and though the sadness was still there, I allowed myself to be happy too.

Next, I took up a new hobby of baking and cooking, something I always wanted to try out! Not only did I learn a new skill, but it kept me distracted well. I spent my afternoons baking chocolate goodies. I remember how the flour would burst open on our faces! We baked scrumptious cupcakes, deserts and more. Every day, I tried a new dish or appetizer; our tummies were full, priceless smiles galore, loud burps everywhere and a long queue in the washroom next morning. However, with this newfound enthusiasm, our lives turned for the better!

Lastly, perspective! Often, the unprepared will happen, but the game is all about perspective. We can either keep crying or make the best out of the situation! It is all a mind game of our thoughts because almost everything in life is a double-edged sword…but it is up to us to convert our obstacles to opportunities and choose how we react to the situation. Initially, I thought about myself, I didn’t realize my husband, our children and everyone else felt the impact of the pandemic too. And I recognized that I have so much to be grateful for too! Now, my husband continues to travel for work, but I don’t worry. I know with my newfound perspective, each other’s support in our family and the calming courage of the warrior within me, we can hold up our fort during any occasion!

Co-written with Vedanth Aggarwal, 13, Dubai, UAE, under the StoryBuddy program.

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2 years ago

Tulika you are so inspiring.
Believe in yourself is the Mantra!

Bettina Tauro
Bettina Tauro
2 years ago

Tulika, thank you for sharing your experience. Like you, for many of us, the warrior within us has woken.

Amrita S
Amrita S
2 years ago

Beautifully written and inspiring article Tulika. Shift in perspective and confidence in self are key to overcome anything.

Tulika Aggarwal
Tulika Aggarwal
2 years ago
Reply to  Amrita S

Thanks Amrita. You truly captured the essence of my story in few words.

Avisekh Saraf
Avisekh Saraf
2 years ago

Your story is perfect example of facing the problem and realising your inner strength.

2 years ago

This is so inspiring. A true warrior😊

Tulika Aggarwal
Tulika Aggarwal
2 years ago

Thanks Vedanth! Blessed to have a talented child like you. You have also been through this journey with me and have captured all the emotions very well through the art of writing. Keep this writing spirit going on and use your talent to share many more stories.
GOD Bless you.

2 years ago

This is written so beautifully, truly inspiring!!

vinita ramnani
vinita ramnani
2 years ago

very well written Tulika and i’m pretty sure in some or the other way we all can relate to the story. thank you for reminding us of our inner strength

Anbu Guru
Anbu Guru
2 years ago

A good story with an inspirational message and ability to be confident in tough times

Padmarajan V
Padmarajan V
2 years ago

Ma’am very well written and so inspiring story . God bless u.

2 years ago

Tulika and Vedanth. This is so inspiring and I hope this helps others to build a positive perspective as well. We are not done with the pandemic and yes, your experience will light the way thru it!

So, next time we meet, we are looking forward to the baked goodies from you 😀!

2 years ago

Truly an inspiring article. Beautifully resonates the quote – “If you want rainbows in life, you have to deal with the storm.” Take care aunty, uncle, Vedanth and Deveshi. God bless your family.

Sunil Bansal
Sunil Bansal
2 years ago

I can vouch for this true and inspiring journey. Tulika not only managed to sail through this tough time to become stronger but also inspired kids and husband to face challenges with positive perspective. In fact this has helped us as we faced similar situation when I was sick down with COVID in India and my family was in Dubai. Great warrior to look upon, get inspired and follow in life. Cheers

Tulika Aggarwal
Tulika Aggarwal
2 years ago
Reply to  Sunil Bansal

Nikita and You have always been a great pillar of support. You guys are great examples of what true friendship means.

Rajneesh Arora
Rajneesh Arora
2 years ago

The emotions are nicely expressed , nice selection of words and rhythm. Inspired others how to deal with difficult times..Good show by talented boy Vidanth.

Vikas Aggarwal
Vikas Aggarwal
2 years ago

Hi My Life !
I was thinking what to write and how to write as this is our real life journey and I know , how you have faced this battle alone during tough times but having said, I would like to thank God who has been giving always courage and power to fight you all the time .
You have proved that YOU ARE A TRUE WARRIOR who can do anything in the World. An example for many Women ❤️

Nikhil Kansal
Nikhil Kansal
2 years ago

COVID has caused a uniquely challenging time for so many people. I’m happy to see that despite those challenges, you and your family have found a way to thrive. This is an extremely inspiring story. Thank you for sharing 🙂
