66: The Journey

Wouldn’t it be great if I could get myself to believe that everything is perfect in these difficult times? At the beginning of 2020, I did believe that it was going to be a fantastic year. I had so many expectations and exciting things lined up for the year.

As the year rolled out, 2020 was anything but perfect, especially for me.
January and February were the most incredible months of my life. Well, ya!! Of course, they had to be, with a grand celebration of the last birthday in my twenties, a bright future and a calendar full of vacations planned. The world was mine to conquer. Maybe, so many others on this planet felt the same way too.

Where did we all go wrong in thinking that our modern and tech-savvy world could come to a standstill? That a virus that cannot be seen, smelled or touched would wreak havoc in the world. Well, Covid-19 did, and it happened to my family and me too. In May 2020, COVID brought us (my husband and me) to our knees or rather beds. It was early days; information was evolving, so were attitudes towards it. We were fortunate; we had excellent healthcare, supportive friends and family (even though my family and I live in different countries). All of the support mattered, because COVID was a wake-up call about the actual state of my health and mind. Neither was as strong as I thought them to be. COVID magnified my underlying physical and mental issues.

I would have preferred to face a known enemy rather than an unknown, but this enemy has changed me and how I choose to live. It has pushed me to adapt to a better lifestyle and stop living for goals. Instead, I focus on living every day to the fullest, where often, happiness is the byproduct 😁

Even now, after almost a year of being COVID positive, on some days, it still feels like the virus is trying to pull me down. However, I am better equipped to face it, but above all, I Am Positive 🙏

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Bettina Tauro
Bettina Tauro
2 years ago

Thanks for sharing your story Neha. Love that you’ve found a better way to live. Someday soon we will all travel again freely, until then we live each day to the fullest.
