27: Productive 2020

The Cicada is a homopteran that lives underground as a nymph for 13 or 17 years and then tunnels to the surface to spend a week or two as an adult. Bourgeoisie, the middle class. I heard this word quite often from political elites back home.

“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I –

I took the one less travelled by,

And that has made all the difference”. by Robert Frost.

In 2020, I got the privilege and time to sit with my daughter to read through her lessons. Time to unlearn and learn the facts of Science, to remind me that ‘History’ repeats, Poems and Stories that make life colourful. I never imagined that I would get time to teach my daughter. As a workaholic father, I left home early and reached late, worked on holidays and late evenings.

On March 5th, 2020, I decided to work from home. I was worried; four glass walls around my office cabin were my shelter, and I firmly believed my presence was the reason for all that good things happened around me.  Working from home, I realized that productivity is what makes all the difference, not presence alone. 2020, was an amazing year of super productivity. Life became more systematic and rhythmically ritual.

‘Master Mind’ group played a significant role in helping me to be productive during this pandemic period.  Time management Theory of 1 and 1,2,3, I implemented mercilessly every day. Do that one thing in a day that most important that makes all other activities irrelevant. I prefer to call a revenue-earning activity. Then the most important 3 activities. I was enjoying ticking the boxes after completion. A sense of fulfilment. Soon, I realized that I was able to tame the giant ‘procrastination’.

In the past, I proudly kept an open-door policy. Meetings and discussions devoured my time. In the new norm, most of the meetings are calendarized for the week, month, or year. Virtual meetings have allowed meeting more people in and outside the country. Rarely when we met our colleagues and employees I was overjoyed as if though I am seeing them after a century. I valued their physical presence.

Life is beautiful and it will continue to be beautiful.

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Mohammed Irfan
Mohammed Irfan
3 years ago

Amazing sir 👌

Bettina Tauro
Bettina Tauro
3 years ago

Life is beautiful 🙂 Thank you for sharing your story with us.

Yunus kazi
Yunus kazi
3 years ago

Hi Thomas

Well articulated

Practical Management lessons on efficiency to effectiveness

Riju Jose
Riju Jose
3 years ago

Very inspiring and enlightning as well! Present or not present..productivity and success can never be out of reach of a determined person. Thanks for sharing this.
