75: Life is an Echo

I’m not sure if my story will inspire another,  However, I’m glad i was asked and given the opportunity to share it. 

Family has always been important to me. I grew up in a close-knit one and continue to share an incredible bond with them. Family is everything to me – my parents, my husband who is my best friend, my two sweet sisters and my two daughters. I’m blessed to have friends who are like family too.

In July 2020, my dad was admitted to the hospital with an intestine issue. My world shattered. When fear is the predominant emotion, it’s impossible to be logical or calm. My mom, sisters, and I cried most of the time, but we had faith that Allah had a plan, and we must have the patience for it to unfold. My fearful state didn’t just come from dad being in the hospital. A couple of months prior, my husband’s employer disappeared to avoid any liability, the company eventually shut and my husband didn’t receive his salary for months or his final dues. All these changes and unpredictability felt overwhelming. Life was unravelling in a way that I couldn’t cope with or understand. Yet, funnily enough, the turning point came when my dad recovered. For me, it was a sign from Allah that all was going to be okay. Family and friend’s support was my biggest blessing from Allah.

The pandemic reinforced that family is everything. It is my permanent destination, my safe space, my strength. It’s this realization that made me look outside my bubble too. I’m blessed to be surrounded by people I love, have a roof over my head, food to eat, health, and hope that I can rebuild what we lost. But what about those who didn’t have all of this?

So many people lost their jobs, had no savings, no family around and no resources to buy a meal during the pandemic. I’ve always believed no one should be hungry, but that’s all it’s been – a thought at the back of my mind. This time I felt differently. I felt that I had to do something. I came across groups on Facebook organizing groceries for people who had a complete loss of income. I thought I could do the same.

I supported two families with their grocery needs. Then I reached out to my friends, and they came on board. From there, I reached out to mums on a Facebook group I manage, asked them if anyone would be interested. And they were! What started as a doubtful thought at the back of my mind, that perhaps I can do something, has snowballed into something that I could have never imagined. Over the past year, we’ve supported over 600 families (and counting) with only groceries. Felt so much peace. Seeing someone smile because of you gives you the best feeling. My husband is my biggest support and my family always encouraged me to do this. I go to bed every night thinking about the families that don’t have to go to bed hungry and all the others I could not help. Before the pandemic, I spent my day focused on my family’s needs. Now I spend most of it connecting givers with those who need support.

2020 has turned out to be my year of awakening to the world beyond my bubble. Allah has shown me the way forward. I know now that even after the pandemic is over, I will continue to support those who need it. I believe life is an echo. What you send out comes back. Today, my husband has a job, we’re healthy, our family stronger together and I have the wisdom to hold what’s dear close along with the awareness and determination to do all I can to help others. And Inshallah, I will.

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Sheba Samuel
Sheba Samuel
2 years ago

Awesome Tara. May God bless you more abundantly in all your endeavors 👏🏽👏🏽👍🏽

2 years ago

Proud of knowing you and May Allah always bless you to help others!

Bettina Tauro
Bettina Tauro
2 years ago

Thank you for sharing your experience Tara. May you continue to be blessed and do what brings you joy.
