13: Every cloud has a silver lining…


What I am about to tell you is nothing short of an absolute blessing in disguise and good fortune. I have always moved through life with a strong belief that I am lucky.

My story starts on March 10th, landing in beautiful Cyprus. I made the decision to venture into North Cyprus – a unrecognized territory and basically a no man’s land should you fall into a pandemic or trouble while you’re out there. 

On the 15th of March 2020, North Cyprus, closed its borders, air and sea ports and hotels. Tourists were advised to find alternative accommodation. It was like a movie – people rushing out of the hotel, staff panicking and government officials dressed in full PPE monitoring the move. Luckily, I had hired a car. We packed our cases into our temporary new home our Ford Fiesta and decided to take a drive to the port for a coffee and plan our next move. We eventually found a small apartment. 

After another five days, we suffered an unfortunate and heartbreaking miscarriage in a foreign country. I will spare you the details of how we dealt with this. 

Humans are built with to withstand everything. You don’t know how strong you are until you’re tested. We all have it within us. After I knew we were stranded indefinitely we moved to a villa in the mountains with a gorgeous view and made the most of our situation. Again, we were blessed that we even had this option. Being isolated from all our friends and family for a total of four months, we discovered all we need in life is each other. 

I am lucky to know it took a pandemic for me to discover what matters in life and everything else is transitional. I finish where I started; I am blessed and lucky.

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3 years ago

Thank you for that incredibly positive outlook and story! You guys are awesome!

Bettina Tauro
Bettina Tauro
3 years ago

You’re absolutely right N, humans can find strength to withstand anything. Thank you for sharing your incredible story.
