45: Cycling 20 Kilometres a day!

Stuck inside your house doing nothing but watch TV and lie on the sofa. Sounds great, doesn’t it! But take away that freedom of not being able to step outside your home and then suddenly it doesn’t feel all that great. That’s what I experienced during the lockdown during the pandemic of 2020.

As soon as the lockdown started to ease, I invested in a bicycle. I live in Nshama Town Square and we have a beautiful landscaped dedicated cycle track. So I started making the most of it. Along the way, I not only rediscovered my childhood love of cycling, but also realized the freedom and peace that comes with it. No cell phone, no talking, no distractions, just me and my thoughts with the wind in my hair.

Another plus point of cycling every day, I started losing that belly I somehow collected in the last couple of years.

I work in the Insurance Industry, specializing in Life and Critical Care Insurance. After dealing with so many clients who have neglected their health and are now unqualified for Life, Health and Critical Illness Coverage, it was a wake-up call for me to be more fit and healthier.

Additional plus point, of course, I do look much better in a suit with the disappearing belly. Now, I just cannot wait to get back home from work, hop on my cycle and get my 60 Minutes of freedom. From covering a distance of 15 kilometres in 60 Minutes, I’ve graduated to now covering a distance of 20 kilometres in the same time. And I’m hoping to build that up to covering 28 kilometres in an hour, in the next few months. I’ve already hit the amazing Al Qudra Cycling Track a couple of times and my goal is to do 100 KM of cycling in one day!

My name is Elvis D’souza and this is my story for 2020.

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Bettina Tauro
Bettina Tauro
3 years ago

That sounds amazing Elvis! We’re all cheering for you to reach the 100k goal. Thank you for sharing your experience with us.
