146: Change can be unpleasant, nevertheless..

2020 was quite of a rollercoaster for me. This may have been said way too many times by now, but I learned a lot from it. The year started with my boards getting over the day of my birthday. I had just turned 15 with a lot to look forward to in life. School was supposed to start 3 days after that. Everything felt normal. Then was announced the lockdown that was supposed to last a “month.” At first, it felt nice. There was nowhere to go, nowhere to be, no school, no homework, nothing to stress me out.

Being with my family and spending time with them made me feel happy, got us closer, and I was all up for it. But then, I started to feel different. Paranoid and insecure. My personality is more of an ambivert, so not having my close friends close to me anymore kind of freaked me out. A sudden thought of losing touch with all my friends, not to lie, sounded scary since I don’t have that many. I remember PANICKING in front of my sister about how my friends, my board results, my school life, was affecting me and how I was not confident about anything. In simpler words, it took a toll on me.

But then, as they say, change is inevitable.

It took me one year to understand and accept that not everything around me will remain the same. Things will change, relationships no matter how strong, are bound to change over some time. It is in your hands if you want to accept it and move forward. During this period, I have made new friends, strengthened a few old friendships, and lost touch with some old ones, but it just makes me believe that it is the quality that matters, not the quantity. I am glad to have had the support of my friends who now are the closest to me, and my family who brought out the best in me.

To end, I know people around me have changed. I know I have changed, but the only difference is that I have accepted this change and I love the ‘me’ of today.

Raaniya Siraj – Reposted from youthof2020stories on Instagram, a humansof2020 initiative

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