144: Finding Hope

The pandemic has been nothing but a rollercoaster of experiences. With earning new victories to losing people, it’s made me go through a heap of emotions and has transformed me into a new person, altogether.

This might sound cliché but I’ve definitely realized that with every bad experience comes something good as well. During the first few months, not being able to meet people and interact with others made me a reserved, quiet, and very introverted person.

Introvert was a title no one would have ever associated me with. I’ve always credited myself for being able to balance well between academics, hobbies, leadership roles at school, and social life, and not let stress immensely get to me, but I reached a point last year when everything just started to look like it was falling apart. I’d thrown myself down a well of negative emotions and overthink every possible way something could go wrong. Trying to conform to every single social standard, live up to everyone’s expectations, and be the best version of myself, I just burdened myself more. Social media made it feel like everyone around me was trying their hands at something new, making the best out of the circumstances, and having a much more pleasant life, while I was just trying to finish all my assignments and keep up with things.

I thought that 2021 would be better, but it started with one of the bitterest experiences – my whole family getting Covid. Missing out on a major event at school, having exams, planning events, and trying to stay positive in a gloomy environment was definitely taxing. But, it was with that that I learned to appreciate every single moment with my family and cherish them.

I made new friends and reconnected with old ones, who I can happily call my closest friends, ones I am always thankful for and grateful for being in my life. I’d started to get myself together and change for the better. I started to go easier on myself and laud myself for even the smallest achievements.

With two more months to go for 2021 to end, I can’t wait to see what the future holds for me. I’ve definitely changed over the past two years, but it’s surely for the better.

Radha Hari – Reposted from youthof2020stories on Instagram, a humansof2020 initiative

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