141: My Moral Support

2020 was a draining year. And when I say draining, I mean mentally. So, everybody knows how extroverted I am, but at that point of time, It was hard. I didn’t leave the house… well, more like I couldn’t. And the last time I talked to a friend in person was during the boards.

At first, it was actually fun being alone. I had all the time in the world to watch the animes I wanted to watch. For the next 4-5 months, locked up at home, I’d watch anime all day. But at night, the loneliness creeped its way to me. I had a few friends I’d talk to, but it never really helped.

But there was this one person I enjoyed talking to more than anything. We started talking, lots, and they ended up being one of my closest friends. Late nights werent so lonely anymore, in fact, we would stay up late just to talk to each other. Having someone I could trust and easily open up to made everything so much better. 

And then University started being around people I could physically talk to, made the year even more bearable. Getting to around friends every day after months of no interaction with anyone made it feel so worth it.

But now that I look back at it, the loneliness felt more like a wake-up slap. I got to spend more time alone and was able to prioritize what needed to be prioritized. And having someone help me through that was great.

Jay Andrade – Reposted from youthof2020stories on Instagram, a humansof2020 initiative

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