128: A Letter to My Future Self: Isa

Dear Isa from the Future:
I am 10 years old and live in Dubai.

If I could describe our world right now I would say it is:
Amazing. Everyone is together. Even though most people think that coronavirus pushed us apart but instead it brought us together.

But when you’re reading this I hope these things have changed:
1. Pollution is no longer a problem.
2. You have a high paying job that you like.
3. You have close friends that you hang out with.

Currently in school my favorite things to learn are:
1. PE (right now I exercise nonstop)
2. Literacy.
3. Science

But when I grow up I hope my job is:
A lawyer or a detective because I love mystery and solving them.

If I could send you one message it would be:
Be yourself, you probably won’t end up as a detective but do what you want to do. Your actions always have a way of coming back to you.

Isa ❤️

 Little humans of 2020

Little humans of 2020, a humansof2020 initiative

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