124: Change is the only constant so embrace it with a pinch of SMILE :)

March 24th 2020, the moment when pandemic struck for real and a nationwide lockdown was declared in India. Little did I know that 2 weeks earlier as I left office for a new work from home scenario will I only come back after a year and half, little did I know that as we bid good bye to our colleagues & friends we would be devoid of this human connect for a long while now.  While we were hearing news of the virus outbreak in China way back in Nov 2019, little did we do to foresee that this could strike us hard too and if only we were to look back and realize this imminent future could we have done anything differently?

The year of 2020 was almost an inflection point where it forced us into a New normal. It is human tendency to be averse to any change, but this New normal literally pushed us and hard it did to embrace a new way of living and working. As hard this may have been to make sense of, I realized it took less than a week for us to acclimatize to this change. Work meetings transitioned smoothly from the four walls in offices to google meets. The happiness of saving hours of travel and traffic chaos was quickly replaced by more meetings/work and the eagerness to utilize the time more efficiently. However amidst all this, the safety net of our loved ones and the fortune of a home and security of regular income may not have been applicable to the large majority in the country who lost their daily wages and the hope of a better future to pandemic. Also, difficult to fathom the pain of losing a loved one and the relentless efforts of the real heroes – our doctors working tirelessly through this pandemic.

All this not only imbues a feeling of utmost gratitude but also forces a realization of how often we crib about little things in life which can be set straight with this simple outlook that glaringly tells of the luck and privilege we are born into. These times also helped me reflect that averseness to change is only in our minds and that as humans we are designed to embrace it and move forward seamlessly. And lastly smile, be grateful and hang in there, because a moment good or bad will eventually change so the best we can do is live it to our best and take a step forward!

No doubt easier said than done but isn’t it better done than procrastinate? 🙂

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