118: From an Aunty to all Aunties

I’ve been asked to write an ode to life being an aunt.

A role I have been blessed with not once, not twice but more than my fingers and toes can count.

YES, we don’t just count the kids of our siblings but those of our cousins and children of friends like family too.

My moulding years taught me that life begins and ends with FAMILY so here is from an aunty to a pack of 35+ nieces and nephews.

One of my dear nieces recently told me; “ you are not just my aunt but my second mom, my friend and someone I will love forever no matter what.”  I am sure that is what all aunties live for ❤️, and for those of you who know me at all, would know how that clenched on the heartstrings and made me bawl tears of love for my angels.

I am not sure as a woman if I will actually bear a child in this lifetime; but for the life I’ve had, have and will have – I truly believe I am already living parenthood filled with wonder, excitement, tears, worry, emotion, laughter and love I get to share and shower on these kids who make me their own. I’ve been blessed to be part of announcements of becoming an aunt, being chosen as a godparent, being part of school drop off, school activities, football, ballet, homework, babysitting duties, cooking, cleaning, sickness …… nothing short of a role as a parent and I truly cherish every single moment of it all.

The resilience of our ancestors taught us that it’s the simpler things in life that truly matter and the pandemic only reiterated the traditional teachings we grew up with. In this new world, as we evolve in every way humanity has possibly known, with all the love in my heart – you will always have an aunt who prays for you, always watches over you, there to celebrate your every achievement, there to pick you up when you fall even from a distance. May each of you have the resilience of all who stand by you.

To all my lovely children, 

DARE to spread your wings wide open,

BE your OWN independent self, 

LIVE to love selflessly

Hold your chin up no matter how hard you fall, we all make mistakes and we all learn (no one was born with a rule book).

ALWAYS keep doing the best you can.

DO NOT SETTLE for less, you are way too precious.

ANYTHING and EVERYTHING is possible if you put your mind to it.

And as you do all of that; remember to SMILE, DANCE and BE KIND and I promise you a life you will live fully.

This aunty is cheering you on.

To all you aunties keep being your purest self, spreading the love of an aunt cause in my dictionary it fulfils every role this life has to offer.

LOVE always and forever 

– Aunty Rooroo 

Story submitted by Roushelle Dsilva to @humansof2020stories 

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Farukh Sardar
Farukh Sardar
2 years ago

Enjoyed your expression and so well said that Gratitude is what make us and God Bless you and all your pack of 35+ nieces and nephews.
