101: My 2020 in a nutshell!

Honestly I don’t even know where to begin. 2020 was such an eventful year and it taught me so much about myself, people around me and the world in general. It was a genuinely tough year but having the right people supporting me made me realize I’m a lot tougher than I initially thought.

The beginning of 2020 was actually fairly decent, I got to see my friends, school was great and life in general was at a great point overall. Once lockdown happened, however, I wasn’t sure of what to do with my life. I couldn’t see my friends, I couldn’t travel and see family, I couldn’t even go outside and buy something in the café from my compound.

One of the things that impacted my life the most though, was the fact that I couldn’t go to my dance weekly classes anymore. They changed to online classes but it was nightmare because people wouldn’t mute themselves, it wasn’t mirrored so I had no idea which direction the coach was going in- it was really demotivating if I’m being honest.

It was a hard time because I’ve been dancing since I was 3 years old and it really is one of my only ways of expressing myself without difficulty. However, as a result of this, I also decided to try choreographing some of my own dances, by myself as well as with others and it opened up a completely new door in dance that I had never tried before. So, even though I couldn’t go to my dance classes with my friends, I learnt how to do something new.

I also went through a lot of different emotions during 2020. I was heartbroken for the most part of the year and I lost a lot of people from my life that I thought would have my back forever. It was a really hard time- but that’s when I started singing. I started working on my voice and learning to express myself that way too, which really helped because it was a way to express and let out the roller coaster of emotions I was feeling during that time. So, I figured out I was actually pretty good at singing and it’s something I enjoy doing a lot now- whether I’m happy, upset, nervous or angry (the list goes on really).

Additionally, since I had also lost a lot of friends, I ended making a whole lot of new ones. They have honestly been there for me whenever I needed them, made me laugh whenever I’m down and they also made me realize two things: what real friends are really like, and also taught me that i’m not alone no matter how many times 8 try to convince myself otherwise. In conclusion, 2020 was an extremely difficult year for me, however it also taught me such beautiful things about life that I’m not so sure I would’ve learnt if we hadn’t gone through a pandemic.

Isabella Moreno – Reposted from youthof2020stories on Instagram, a humansof2020 initiative

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